
11th Ariano International Film Festival



Ariano International Film Festival is conceived and organized by Rai.Co. Aps based in Ariano Irpino(AV).



Objectives and purposes

The festival aims to identify, promote and enhance the different expressions of cinematographic art, in a perspective that favors the search for innovative stylistic modalities and the positive competitiveness between different peoples and cultures, as specified below: Projections of cinematographic works aimed to entertainment, scientific dissemination and promote the animated film;Opportunities for meetings and comparisons, for a plural growth shared among the various operators in the film industry.


The 11th Edition of the Ariano International Film Festival will be held from July 31st to August 6th 2023. The Festival includes reviews and awards to prominent artistic proponents, social and cultural development, as a contribution to a better knowledge of the history of Italian and International cinema. The awards ceremony will take place during the Festival.uring the Festival.


Festival sections


International competition for feature films, documentaries, short films, short films for schools and animations with a free theme.

Please note: the works that compete for the section “WORLD” cannot participate to the sections “AIFF GREEN”


International competition aimed exclusively to documentaries with an environmental theme. The competing work will have to face this theme, enhancing the different and manifold socio-cultural implications: the cinema on the environment intended as a means of both denunciation and reflection.

Please note: The documentaries that compete for the section “GREEN” cannot participate to the section “WORLD”


Competition aimed exclusively at short films made completely or partly in the territory of the Campania Region.
Please note: the works that compete for the section MADE IN CAMPANIA cannot participate to the section WORLD.

Please note: the works that compete for the section AIFF VIDEOCLIP cannot participate to the section AIFF WOLRD


Screening of feature films, documentaries, short films and animations, not included among the finalist works, but considered equally worthy of being mentioned by the jury.


Conditions of registration

The feature films up to 60 minute of duration.The short films up to 30 minutes of duration.No time limits foresee, for animations and documentaries.English or in Italian subtitles are required in case of the film is not in English or Italian.Featuring films, short movies, and documentary must have been concluded after January 1st 2019.Otherwise they will not be accepted.


Awards and jury


The submitted works will be reviewed by a panel of film and television industry experts, which will in its sole discretion, during the closing ceremony, assign the following prizes to winners, no ex-aequo foreseen:

  • AIFF AWARD for the best work feature films section, including a cash prize;
  • AIFF AWARD for the best work documentaries section, including a cash prize;
  • AIFF AWARD for the best work short films section, including a cash prize;
  • AIFF AWARD for the best work animation section, including a cash prize;
  • AIFF AWARD for the best work in school short films section, including a cash prize;
  • Special mention to one or more works presented among the five categories listed above.
  • Press Award for the best work, a feature film category, awarded by a jury of expert journalists;
  • Audience Award to one of the works presented for one of the five categories listed above, decreed by a popular jury, composed by the public present at the Festival;
  • Students Award to one of the works presented for one of the five categories listed above, decreed by a student jury belonging to the schools who participate to AIFF.


The works received will be examined by a jury composed by representatives appointed by FAI (Italian Environment Fund) WWF and WEEC (World Environmental Education Congress), which will confer at its sole discretion, during the closing ceremony, the following prize to the first classified, without ex-aequo:Award for the best “GREEN” documentary, together with a cash sum.


The works will be examined by a technical jury chosen by AIFF which will confer at its sole discretion, during the closing ceremony, the following prize to winner without ex equo: Award for the best short “MADE IN CAMPANIA”, together with a cash amount.


eleventh Edition

Registration mode

Registration mode Participation in the competition is via the Filmfreeway platform by 18 March for the Earlybird Deadline, 30 April for the Regular Deadline and 31 May for the Late Deadline.

Link FilmFreeway:

Submission of films involves payment of a registration fee for administrative expenses

Feature Films
Short Films
Short Films for Schools
Made in Campani
Short Films
Open February 18, 2023 February 18, 2023 February 18, 2023 February 18, 2023 February 18, 2023 February 18, 2023 February 18, 2023
Earlybird Deadline March 18, 2023
Standard: € 10
Gold: € 8
March 18, 2023
Standard: € 6
Gold: € 4
March 18, 2023
Standard: € 8
Gold: € 6
March 18, 2023
Standard: € 8
Gold: € 6
March 18, 2023
Standard: € 8
Gold: € 6
March 18, 2023
Standard: Free
March 18, 2023
Standard: € 8
Gold: € 6
Regular Deadline April 30, 2023
Standard: € 12
Gold: € 10
April 30, 2023
Standard: € 8
Gold: € 6
April 30, 2023
Standard: € 10
Gold: € 8
April 30, 2023
Standard: € 10
Gold: € 8
April 30, 2023
Standard: € 10
Gold: € 8
April 30, 2023
Standard: Free
April 30, 2023
Standard: € 10
Gold: € 8
Late Deadline May 31, 2023
Standard: € 15
Gold: € 13
May 31, 2023
Standard: € 11
Gold: € 9
May 31, 2023
Standard: € 13
Gold: € 11
May 31, 2023
Standard: € 13
Gold: € 11
May 31, 2023
Standard: € 13
Gold: € 11
May 31, 2023
Standard: Free
May 31, 2023
Standard: € 12
Gold: € 10


General provisions

Each participant can submit more than one work.Within the submitted movies, those selected will be shown during the Festival and they will become part of the Ariano International Film Festival archive. All movies either selected or not, will not be given back to the authors. The winners will receive the trophies during the award evening. Unclaimed prizes may be shipped. In this case the shopping costs will be borne by the applicants. Applying for this competition implies unconditionally acceptance of these rules. These rules are written in Italian and translated in English. The Italian version will prevail in case of dispute, due to interpretation disagreement. Festival final schedule and works admissions to the competitions will be available, at the end of the selection procedures, on the web site

Developed by F. Borriello & R. Sicuriello